Holiday Schedule

Welcome to the holiday season, a time filled with family, friends, and joy. Take care of yourself during this busy time. As a warm and fun massage therapist who is both medically trained and spiritually aligned, I urge you to book your massage sessions through the end of the year now to get the days and times that will be most supportive for you as you navigate the season.

Massages are not just a luxury, but a necessity for your physical and mental well-being. With the holiday season comes extra stress and tension, which can lead to aches and pains in your body. A massage can help alleviate these symptoms, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

In addition to the physical benefits, a massage can also help you connect with your spiritual side. By allowing yourself to relax and let go of any negative energy, you can open yourself up to a deeper spiritual connection.

Don't let the holiday chaos get the best of you. Book a massage session with me today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Let's work together to make this holiday season the best one yet!


Welcome Autumn!


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