How can I support you?

Brand Design

Get to know your customer and how to connect with them in meaningful, authentic, and effective ways. Build a brand across media.

Massage Businesses

Expand your expertise and business with personalized mentorship and proven tools including working with doctors, therapists, and health insurance.

Impact and Presence

Companies like Google and Salesforce trusted me to design and deliver Executive Presence and Mindfulness Based Leadership. I can offer this expertise and coaching to you, too!

Logo Design

Create an easy to recognize logo that stands out across websites, social media, slide decks and branded communications.

Learning Technologies

Get support in selecting the strategies, platforms, and tools to bring your learning programs to your audience from solopreneur to non-profit to enterprise organizations.

Health and Wellness Clinics

Bring massage into your practice with strategic alignment and a partner who knows what works and is creating new paradigms for holistic care and adjunct services.

Design Thinking Facilitation

Bring diverse and competing stakeholders together to solve intractable problems and test real solutions - often in less than a day, all the while building durable skills, rapport, and trust.

Learning Design

Create learning experiences that have measurable impact for your customers or employees across media and delivery channels.

Stress Reduction Courses

Offer your team the opportunity to pause, reflect, and regulate their nervous systems with a variety of practices from a wide range of cultures - all backed by recent science.


My hourly and fixed sliding scale fees are based on your annual revenue, business structure, and communities served.

Ketamine Assisted

Therapeutic Massage


We provide comprehensive consulting services for massage therapists, psychotherapists, ketamine providers, and other professionals interested in adopting our unique approach. Our services include:

  • Business and skills assessment: Evaluate your current business operations and skill levels to ensure readiness for implementing new practices.

  • Staffing and workshops: Assist with determining staffing needs and conducting practical workshops to train your team.

  • Scope of practice and insurance: Guide you through local scope of practice regulations and help with professional insurance requirements.

  • Protocol development: Advise on suitability, dosing, informed consent, intake procedures, and session protocols to ensure best practices.

  • Collaborative care documentation: Provide strategies for effective documentation and communication in collaborative care settings.

  • Additional support: Offer various other forms of support tailored to your specific needs.

By partnering with us, you can confidently integrate our methodologies into your practice and enhance the quality of care you provide.